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This Directory contains a list of Montreal's disability advocacy and support, feminist and intersectionality groups. Each group's name is a clickable link that will take you to their website. Following each name is a brief summary of the group's work.

The Directory is organized this way:

-General advocacy and support
-Women's groups
-Disability-specific groups

It is not in alphabetical order because so many start with the word "Association", and order changes according to language selected.

Why women's groups? 24% of people with disabilities are female, and women are further more at risk for violence, poverty, employment and housing discrimination. Further, people who do not fit the societal "norm" of Caucasian, binary, heterosexual and thin, suffer from multiple discrimination. The groups below seek to ameliorate the conditions of oppressed people, as the root causes of oppression intersect.


Centre Action (click link).
A bilingual non-profit community organization and Day Program. Provides structured activities that promote the social inclusion and active participation of adults with severe and permanent motor and/or cognitive limitations, in a respectful, caring and safe environment.

Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations (click link) advocates for victims of discrimination in the "isms." Provides support for Human Rights Commission and Police Ethics Commission complaints.

Accessiblize Montreal (click link) organizes actions to raise awareness and to protest inaccessibility.

Alpha (click link). Facilitates social integration of people with physical and/or neurological disabilities and their active participation in society. Offers social and cultural activities, support services to the community as well as advocacy and advocacy activities. Democratic mandate.

Moelle épinière et motricité Québec (click link) is a non-profit organisation that promotes self-sufficiency, independence and quality of life for people living with disabilities. Facilitates the social integration of people with spinal cord injury, to promote their rights. It also aims at developing the employability of people with physical and neurological limitations.

Centre Philou (click link). Specialized support for children with multiple disabilities. Offers respite stays, a summer camp and family support.

Handicap Action Integration: HAI (click link) provides listening and support, recreational activities, an in home low cost tax return service, and searches for second hand assistive equipment not covered by RAMQ.

DePhy Montreal, Le regroupement des organismes en deficience physique: ROPMM (click link) brings together 50 community organizations committed to promoting or defending the rights of people living with physical, motor, sensory, language and speech disabilities.

The East Island Network for English language Services: REISA (click link). Works to increase access to health and social services in English for resident of Montreal's East End. Priority development sectors: youth, Seniors, persons with intellectual and physical disabilities and mental health challenges and their caregivers
L'association multiethnique pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées: AMEIPH (click link). Assists immigrants with disabilities and their families to develop their full potential and increase the power to act by promoting their inclusion in their host society. Social activities to enable people to go out together without feeling judged, having fun and also having the opportunity to meet others in similar situations. 

ÉquiToît (click link) provides adapted affordable housing with home care services for people with limited mobility.

Bourgeons en Eclat (click link). Provides early access support service for young children and their families, who live with special needs and who are waiting for health, education, social services assistance, and in sports and recreation.

Carrefour de la Triade (click link).
Provides support for people with physical disabilities to remain in independent housing, as well as general advocacy.

Ami Quebec Cultural Community Support (click link). Culture specific directory of mental health supports, social services, immigration assistance, advocacy, with links to each one's websites.

Grouping of Activists for Inclusion, Quebec: Le Rapliq (click link). Defending and claiming the rights of people with disabilities.

Viomax (click link)
is a non profit with two recreation centres dedicated to people with disabilities, and completely adapted for accessiblity. Pools, gymnasiums, workout rooms, wheelchair volleyball, youth programs. One centre in Rosemont, another in NDG.


Women on the Rise (click link) provides support to low income, isolated and single mothers and their children 0-5. Intercultural kitchen and monthly food baskets, bilingual childcare with stimulating programs led by an Early Childhood Educator, donated toys and clothing, women's empowerment conferences, supported family outings, Life Skills workshops.

Amal Center for Women (click link) offers services to Muslim women
related to conjugal violence, marital conflict, divorce, parent-child conflict, parent-adolescent conflict, youth protection, depression, mental health, immigration, integration, and orientation.

DisAbled Women's Network of Canada: DAWN (click link).
Their mission is to end the poverty, isolation, discrimination and violence experienced by women with disabilities. Head office is in Montreal.

Regroupement québécois des centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractères sexuels: RCALACS (click link). People with disabilities, especially women, are at much higher risk of assault than the able bodied. Support, education and activism.

Réseau québécois d’action pour la santé des femmes: RQASF (click link). Promotes and defends the rights and interests of women. Promotes a holistic approach to health, mobilizes women and organizations concerned about women's health, and acts with women in recognizing their knowledge and taking charge of their health.

Women's Art Society of Montreal (click link) offers speakers' events, juried exhibits and sales, and a social network. Held at the West side Unitarian church. Accessible.

Relais-femmes (click link). Their training program is aimed at organizations that wish to reflect on their intervention, management, and democratic practices and their associative life, from an intersectional/feminist perspective. Holds more than 50 trainings and 40 events per year.

Women's Federation of Quebec: FFQ (click link). Addresses poverty, injustice and violence.

La Table des groupes des femmes de Montréal: TGFM (click link). Promotes and defends the interests of women in a feminist perspective of gender equality. Facilitates the accessibility of women with disabilities to Table activities and participation in civic life. Intervenes in the spheres of social, political, economic and cultural life. Women's health and their place in regional and local health authorities, the fight against violence against women, discrimination in employment, mainly for women who are doubly discriminated against.

The South Asian Women's Community Centre (click link) for
women and their families facing struggle and discrimination on the basis of physical and mental ability, religion, colour, nationality, age, sexual orientation and identity, caste, and class. Settlement programs for refugees and new immigrants, language classes, education on individual rights, support for survivors and victims of violence, and high school programs. Accessible.

The HERS Foundation, Hysterectomy Education and Resource Services, is a charitable international resource that helps women whose bodies have been damaged or are at risk by reproductive organ surgery. They offer education in female anatomy, a collection of medical journal articles and low cost counselling for surgical alternatives.

Rise Up! (click link) is a digital archive of the feminist movement in Canada.


Metropolitan Montreal Deaf Community Centre (click link).
Advocates for accessibility of communication, work education and social integration. Frequent group activities end isolation of adults and seniors.
L'Association québécoise des traumatisés crâniens: L'AQTC (click link). Pursues social integration with people who have an acquired brain injury, promotes the acquisition of basic skills based on shared experiences. Ensures accessibility to health services and social services, and offers mediation with various stakeholders in the person's life.
Quebec Association of Little People: AQPPT (click link). Brings together little people, adults and children, family members and anyone interested in advancing the cause of little people, Promotes social, educational and vocational integration.

L'Association du Québec pour Enfants avec Problèmes Auditifs Montréal: AQEPA (click link). Supports families with auditory issues. Share with other parents, enjoy different family activities, access a wealth of information, benefit from specialized programs for your child.The Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Quebec (click link) focuses on mutual aid, prevention, information, solutions and support for people living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus to lead an active life.

Association du syndrome de Usher du Québec: ASUQ (click link). Braille and LSQT training, public information sessions, advocacy, accessibility consultation, recreation, accompaniment to appointments and communication assistance, cooking workshops.

Dysphasie + (click link). Intervention and education plans for language disorders, dysphasia, central auditory processing disorder, and Signs of language development disorder in children from 0 to 5.

Audition Quebec (click link). Their mission is to prevent hearing problems and to promote the optimal integration into society and the autonomy of people with such problems.

Asista (click link) trains service dogs for people with autism, PTSD and severe anxiety.